We welcome your prayer requests.

Please send in your prayer requests using the button below.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM)

  • [IPM Fall Kick-Off]

    You’re Invited!
    Come join us for the Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM) Fall Kick-off on Saturday, September 21st, at 1PM in KCPC, room 2119! Whether you're new and curious about our ministry, already involved, or simply want to learn more about the power of prayer, everyone is welcome!

    This will be a special time of recommitting ourselves to prayer as we seek revival and renewal within our congregation and work together to ignite a prayer movement among us. We’d love for you to be a part of this mission.

    Lunch will be provided, so please register by September 17th.

    We can’t wait to see you there!

  • [Tuesdays]

    Join us for the EC intercessory prayer group, Praying Hands, dedicated to:

    Praying for intimacy with Christ, for EC members, church, and God’s Kingdom

    Honoring confidentiality

    Desiring to be followers of Christ.

    Meets virtually every Tuesday

  • [Saturdays]

    Early Morning Prayer every 4th Saturday.
    We start worship with KM @ 6:30AM in the main sanctuary sitting together in the middle, then transition to EC prayer time ~ 8 AM in the baby room (1001D)

  • [Sundays]

    Pre-service Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting 9:30AM at MPR.